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With hundreds of entrepreneurs across Canada, Team Canada's team of financial guides are united in our mission to stamp out financial illiteracy. With world-class training, tools, and technology, our leaders are building scalable businesses without limits as we spearhead our crusade.

Team Canada is our personal team name.
All agents and reps must be provincially licensed with our broker/dealer:
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Term life insurance and Common Sense Funds segregated fund products are underwritten by Primerica Life Insurance Company of Canada. Mutual Funds offered by PFSL Investments Canada Ltd., mutual fund dealer. Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with mutual funds and segregated funds. Please read the prospectus or information folder before investing. Mutual funds are not guaranteed. For segregated funds, other than the guaranteed maturity value and the guaranteed death benefit, the amounts you receive under your contract are not guaranteed. Mutual fund and segregated fund values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated. Head Office: 6985 Financial Drive, Suite 400, Mississauga, ON L5N 0G3 | 905-812-2900

Important Earnings Disclosure: The cash flows stated are not intended to demonstrate the earnings of typical RVPs. Rather, the cash flows that have been cited reflect the potential that comes with building your business, and there is no guarantee that you will achieve any specific cash flow level. Most RVPs do not achieve the levels illustrated.
From January 1 through December 31, 2022, Primerica paid cash flow to its Canadian sales force at an average of $17,141, which includes commissions paid in Canadian dollars on all lines of business to life licenced representatives.
Primerica representatives earn income through the sale of products. Representatives are not paid to recruit. 
Primerica Representatives are independent contractors and are not employees of Primerica.

The information in this website is for education and training purposes only, not to be shown or distributed to the public.

Team Canada Agency is our team name, it is not a licensed entity in the financial industry. It is solely used for the purpose of identifying our team members who are licensed with us.  All agents of our team must be licensed with their appropriate provincial government with Primerica and PFSL Investments Canada Ltd. and must be clear with any new recruit or client that they are joining and or doing business with Primerica and PFSL Investments Canada LTD.

© 2021 by Team Canada

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